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The Advent Message to all the world in my generation.


The Pathfinder Law is for me to:

  1. Keep the morning watch.

  2. Do my honest part.

  3. Care for my body.

  4. Keep a level eye.

  5. Be courteous and obedient.

  6. Walk softly in the sanctuary.

  7. Keep a song in my heart.

  8. Go on God's errands.


The love of Christ compels us.


By the grace of God,
I will be pure and kind and true.
I will keep the Pathfinder Law.
I will be a servant of God
and a friend to man.

pathfinder info

The Pathfinder Club

For young people aged 10-15 years.
The club exists to develop the life skills and abilities of the children. Pathfinders wear a uniform and have a pledge and law which serves as their code of conduct.
Sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the UK & Ireland, Pathfinders are part of a world-wide organisation with over 2.5 million members!

Life Skills
Pathfinders are encouraged to become responsible members of their community, to be willing to take on challenges, to be individuals, to work with others, to develop leadership skills and abilities, to care for their body and mind and to keep away from harmful substances.
The Pathfinder programme is centred around strong, ethical, moral and spiritual values based on the Christian faith.
However, young people from all faiths are attracted to the club and are encouraged to participate.

The course takes the children through a curriculum of learning: 10 years - Friends; 11 years - Companion; 13 years - Ranger; 12 years - Explorer; 14 years - Voyager; 15 years - Guide.
Many go on to become Master Guides at which point they take on local and regional leadership roles.

The honour system is the opportunity to develop skills and crafts in around 350 activities. A badge is awarded which is sewn onto a sash.

Campouts are ever popular with the children and give the opportunity to learn and develop skills such as: map and compass work, camp craft, stars, pioneering, rope work, camp fires and outdoor cooking, nature studies, health and fitness and serving the local community. Every year there is a Pathfinder Camporee planned at a regional, national or international level. This is a time when Pathfinders have fun meeting with others within this country or abroad.

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Pathfinder Song

Pathfinder Song

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